This house is the residence of a former US soldier with three tours of Vietnam. He says that he feels like his own freedom of speech is under attack. According to this article, at
in the last year the mailbox has been blown up twice with fireworks. The house has been egged. Paint has been thrown on the house too. The flags have been torn down and ripped up more than once.
And the 101st Airborne flag has had the
word "murder" and a swastika written on it with a permanent marker.
"It's really difficult for me to see something like this and not feel sad," Potts told us of the vandalism that started around election day last year. Especially, he
says, since the 101st led the charge in World War II to defeat Nazi Germany."
I thought that if somebody was a left wing party member in the USA, he or she was for tolerance and alternative points of view and lifestyles. Of course, I know that these people in this article are pretty fringe-oriented left wingers--it is wrong to tar all lefties with the same brush.
Now, what would be the proper liberal response to this action?
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